Health News


  • It Takes a Community

    It Takes a Community

    We Care of Central Florida’s Project Think Pink Helps Uninsured Women Get Screening, Treatment by TERESA SCHIFFER Did you know that one in eight women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime? Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and the second-leading cause of cancer death…

  • Misinformation Is Contagious: Sort Fact From Fiction on the HPV Vaccine

    Misinformation Is Contagious: Sort Fact From Fiction on the HPV Vaccine

    Vaccinations are important shots that people need to get to protect against serious diseases.  You may have heard reports on the news recently about the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. With all the buzz, it can be hard to sort fact from the fiction. Test your knowledge by taking our quiz and learn how to ensure…

  • Health Savings Accounts Have More to Offer Than You Think

    Health Savings Accounts Have More to Offer Than You Think

    by MARY TOOTHMAN As the number of people with high-deductible health insurance plans continues to rise, the option of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) —  created to help handle out-of-pocket expenses — is likely to attract more interest. An HSA can be funded with pre-tax money, allowing for $3,400 for individual and $6,750 for families annually…


  • Healthy Skin: Seniors and the increased risk of skin cancer

    Healthy Skin: Seniors and the increased risk of skin cancer

    OUR SKIN needs protection at any age, but it’s doubly important for seniors. As we age, the likelihood of developing skin cancer increases so much that nearly 50 percent of all 65-year-old Americans will have at least one skin cancer diagnosis. The subgroup of seniors with the most risk is older Caucasian males; the incidences…

  • Word of Mouth: Myths About Implants Debunked, Part III — Are they affordable?

    Word of Mouth: Myths About Implants Debunked, Part III — Are they affordable?

    IN MY LAST TWO COLUMNS, we debunked some common myths about the practicality and effectiveness of dental implants. Now let’s talk affordability. Nearly 70 percent of adults have lost a tooth, and the solutions are pretty straightforward: dental implants, bridges, or dentures. For most, dental implants are the best option, but misconceptions about their affordability…

  • Healthy Cook: Much ado about Mediterranean food

    Healthy Cook: Much ado about Mediterranean food

    DIETS COME AND DIETS GO — South Beach, Grapefruit, Atkins, T-Factor, Cabbage Soup, Eat Just on Tuesdays in Months Without an R in Them — but one that works for health, and perhaps also for weight loss, has been around for thousands of years. The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating for millions of…

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