Health News


  • POP QUIZ: Chest Pain: What Is Your Body Telling  You?

    POP QUIZ: Chest Pain: What Is Your Body Telling You?

    Did you know that of the millions of Americans who visit the emergency room with chest every year, only 20 percent are actually diagnosed with a heart attack or other serious heart condition—like unstable angina—and the other 80 percent are suffering with something different? While some instances of chest pain that are unrelated to a…

  • Keep It Moving

    Keep It Moving

    Exercise Is a Must for Good Heart Health by GRACE BOGGESS HIRDES Do you have a health goal for 2020? Maybe you want to lose a few pounds or to eat fewer fatty foods. Have you considered making a health goal to improve your heart’s health? Only one in five Americans gets enough exercise on…

  • True Transformation

    True Transformation

    Doctor and Patient Explain Why Bariatric Surgery Is So Much More Than Weight Loss by Matthew Norman The new year often brings thoughts of weight loss. It seems that there are endless numbers of weight loss methods. Everything from the tried and true methods to schemes that seem too good to be true, and probably…


  • Word of Mouth: How to get a great smile for the New Year

    Word of Mouth: How to get a great smile for the New Year

    SMILES ARE IMPORTANT. They say a smile can look like a million bucks or can make another feel like a million bucks … the advantages are endless. Whichever saying you choose, a healthy and beautiful smile can make you feel happier and increase your confidence. The start of the New Year is the perfect time…

  • Pediatric Health: Staying on schedule with your child’s vaccinations

    Pediatric Health: Staying on schedule with your child’s vaccinations

    VACCINATIONS PROTECT against many infections, including pertussis, mumps, measles, and even polio and diphtheria. Despite the fact that many of these diseases now seem archaic, it is important that your child receive vaccines in accordance with the schedule set out by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Association of Pediatrics.…

  • Medical Advice: Influenza A (H3) strain update

    Medical Advice: Influenza A (H3) strain update

    WE DO NOT LIVE in a sterile environment. There are germs all around us. In fact, you carry more germ cells on your body than human ones. Most of these germs are harmless and actually beneficial by helping us digest food and aid our immune system. However, there are others that can make you sick…

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