Health News
Our Medical Community Responds
Healthcare Facilities Focus on Facts, Precautions by TERESA SCHIFFER There is a new “C” word scaring people these days, and we’re willing to bet you’ve already heard it – coronavirus. Everywhere you look, coronavirus, or COVID-19, is on people’s lips. While the CDC is recommending we all take precautions, such as handwashing, good household hygiene,…
Staying in the Game
Polk Senior Games Help Seniors Stay Active and Involved by PAUL CATALA During her younger years in her Michigan hometown, Dot Van Farowe says she participated in a variety of sports and leisure activities. But at 91 years old, Van Farowe’s days of “pass, punt and kick” football, playing basketball, water and snow skiing and…
Pop Quiz: Handwashing Is the Best Defense, but Are You Doing It Right?
Amidst the information being released concerning COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, is a gem that will serve you well far into the future: proper handwashing procedures. Study after study has shown that properly washing your hands is one of the best defenses against any virus, bacteria, or germ. If you want to prevent being…
Protect Your Joints and Help Your Golf Game
Many people injure themselves simply because they do not stretch. A survey showed that more than half of the golfers who warmed up for 10 minutes or more before golfing had fewer than half the injuries than those who did not warm up. Another cause of injuries is the fact that golf is a repetitive…
Diagnosis and Treatment of Shingles
Shingles is a contagious virus (varicella zoster) that results in a painful rash. The virus that causes the rash is one of nine known herpes viruses to infect humans. It is the same virus that causes chickenpox. After having chickenpox, typically as a child, the virus lies dormant in nerve tissue underneath the skin.…
Understanding Metastatic Bone Disease
Cancer is always a frightening diagnosis, and knowing that the disease can spread from one part of the body to others can be unsettling. Metastasis occurs when cancer cells from the original (primary) tumor break away and move to other parts of the body. When the cancer spreads from the primary tumor into bone tissue,…