Health News
Do you Know the Difference Between Coronavirus Facts and Myths?
The dangers of the COVID-19 or coronavirus pandemic are causing a lot of fear all over the country. It’s a smart move to take necessary precautions and follow the guidelines put forth by local, state, and federal agencies because lives truly are at stake. It’s also a good idea to maintain a cool head and…
Florida Department of Health Updates New COVID-19 Cases, Announces Twenty-Six Deaths Related to COVID-19, Morning Update
TALLAHASSEE — To keep Florida residents and visitors safe, informed and aware about the status of the virus, the Florida Department of Health has launched a COVID-19 dashboard that is updated twice daily. Today, as of 11 a.m., there are 30,174 total** Florida cases. There are currently 335 long-term care facilities with positive cases of COVID-19. The…
The State of Florida Issues Updates on COVID-19 April 15th
TALLAHASSEE — The State of Florida is responding to COVID-19. In an effort to keep Florida residents and visitors safe and aware regarding the status of the virus, the Florida Department of Health will issue this update every day, seven days per week. Governor Ron DeSantis is in constant communication with Florida Division of Emergency Management Director…
The “Ripe” Time for Cataract Surgery
Whenever I tell a patient that he or she has cataracts they immediately ask if they need to have surgery. We start thinking about cataract surgery whenever the patient’s quality of life is affected. Common complaints include, “I can’t read road signs,” or “I can’t read the writing on TV,” or “I can’t read small…
A Cautionary Tale for Frequent Biting, Grinding, or Clenching
Biting and chewing your food. It’s something we do every day and without thinking. That’s why when most people have biting issues— where they bite the inside tissue of their mouth— they usually don’t think beyond the few minutes of pain and discomfort it causes. However, frequent biting (as well as grinding and clenching) can…
Oral Cancer Awareness Month
The month of April is considered National Oral Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Society’s most recent estimates for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers in the United States for 2019 show that about 53,000 people will be diagnosed with oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer and an estimated 10,860 will die of these cancers. Lip and…