Health News


  • Surviving COVID-19: One Man’s Story of Gratitude

    Surviving COVID-19: One Man’s Story of Gratitude

    Auburndale’s Keith Johnson Talks About His Journey and the Healthcare Workers Who Saved His Life by MARY TOOTHMAN Amid the confusion, sadness, and fear that COVID-19 has brought, an Auburndale man is calmly and gratefully sharing his story of recovery with others to praise and give  thanks to the healthcare workers who fought fiercely for…

  • On the Front Line

    On the Front Line

    Charge Nurse Describes New Normal Caring for COVID-19 Patients by TERESA SCHIFFER As coronavirus deaths rise around the world, Central Florida is rushing to meet the increased demand on the healthcare system.  David Coicou is on the front line of the medical field’s fight against this illness, working as a charge nurse at AdventHealth Orlando…

  • Care During Crisis

    Care During Crisis

    Virus Changes How Clinics Reach Patients by TIM CRAIG It didn’t take long for Central Florida Health Care CEO Ann Claussen to realize that the COVID-19 virus was going to change the way they do things. Claussen says that in early March, Polk County’s first confirmed case of the virus was diagnosed through the group’s…


  • Demystifying the Eyedrop Aisle

    Demystifying the Eyedrop Aisle

    By: Daniel Smith, O.D.  Many eye disorders can be treated effectively with eye drops and products found over the counter at the local pharmacy and grocery stores. But with so many options on the shelves, finding the right product for your needs can be overwhelming and confusing. Your eye doctor can provide you with specific…

  • When to Seek Help for Spider, Varicose Veins

    When to Seek Help for Spider, Varicose Veins

    Spider Veins vs. Varicose Veins Varicose veins are superficial veins that appear knotty and — unless painful, achy, or inflamed — may not need to be treated. Varicose veins usually become more apparent with age and are the price humans pay for standing erect, as opposed to monkeys who walk on all four legs. Spider…

  • Brain Attack, Stroke, and Mini-Stroke: Are You at Risk?

    Brain Attack, Stroke, and Mini-Stroke: Are You at Risk?

    Approximately 700,000 strokes occur in the United States annually. Stroke, or brain attack, is a disease that involves the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that brings oxygen to the brain gets blocked by a blood clot most commonly. With the oxygen supply to the brain…

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