Health News


  • Every Minute Counts

    Every Minute Counts

     Lakeland Regional Health Works to Make Sure People Don’t Delay Care Over COVID-19 Fears By PAUL CATALA  As coronavirus fears have grown throughout the nation, it has become clear there is a different trend starting, and it brings with it some dangers of its own. By late March, physicians and nurses in hospital rooms and…

  • Skin Smarts

    Skin Smarts

    Protect Your Skin From the Brutal Summer Sun by TERESA SCHIFFER Living in Central Florida, we are acutely aware of the effects of the sun. They don’t call us the “Sunshine State” for nothing! As wonderful as it is to bask in the warm glow of the sun day after day, too much sun exposure…

  • Pop Quiz: Prepare for Summer With Facts on Heat Stroke, Heat Exhaustion

    Pop Quiz: Prepare for Summer With Facts on Heat Stroke, Heat Exhaustion

    Florida’s brutal summer is upon us, and that means heat exhaustion and heat stroke are real and present dangers every day. Florida’s high temperatures, intense sunshine, and ever-present humidity are a recipe for heat-related illnesses. Take our quiz on heat exhaustion and heat stroke and arm yourself with knowledge to prevent these life-threatening emergencies. 1.)…


  • Publisher’s Note: More options coming for Florida residents seeking health and dental coverage

    Publisher’s Note: More options coming for Florida residents seeking health and dental coverage

    You may or may not have heard already that there is an alternative option for discounted health coverage outside of the plans offered under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Four companies intend to offer 15 to 20 discounted plans, which will include health and dental coverage options. Once the website is launched, residents should be…

  • Editor’s Dose: I’d Rather Be… at the Dentist

    Editor’s Dose: I’d Rather Be… at the Dentist

    Okay, it’s confession time.  I used to be one of those people who was afraid to go to the dentist.  I know it sounds silly, but just the thought of having someone staring down my mouth was mortifying.  I would gladly go through natural childbirth with no medication, speak in front of a crowd of…

  • PCMA Letter: The big picture of your health

    PCMA Letter: The big picture of your health

    Everyone knows the old expression “a picture is worth a thousand words.”  Well, in the field of medicine, we take special care to look at the big picture of your overall health— not just the symptoms.  As physicians who understand that healthy lifestyle choices are key to a long and fruitful life, it’s important to…

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