Health News
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This
Health-Conscious Bakery Delivers Low-Carb, Sugar-Free, and Gluten-Free Treats by MARY TOOTHMAN You’ve got to love the name of this little bakery: the No Guilt Baking Company. Owned and operated by Darla and Andrew Markley, the bake shop evolved through the Catapult Lakeland initiative. Three small businesses operate under the umbrella name/theme of “Counter Culture.” …
Full Range of Care
Bond Clinic’s Diabetes Clinic Goes Beyond Treatment to Education by TERESA SCHIFFER According to the CDC, the incidence of new diabetes cases is going down — except among young people. The incidence of new cases among individuals under age 20 is actually going up. Data analyzed through 2018 shows that just over 10 percent of…
Pop Quiz!: Fight Breast Cancer By Knowing Fact From Myth
Breast cancer is the second-most commonly diagnosed cancer for women in the U.S. It is also the second-deadliest form of cancer for American women. Thankfully, death rates for women older than 50 from breast cancer have continued to drop since 2007, due in part to increased awareness and treatment advances. While awareness concerning breast cancer…
Brain Attack (Stroke or Mini-stroke): Are You at Risk?
Approximately 700,000 strokes occur in the United States annually. Stroke or brain attack is a disease that involves the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that brings oxygen to the brain gets blocked by a blood clot most commonly. With the oxygen supply to the brain…
Punctal Plugs
Many patients suffer from dry eye, and eye care professionals have many tools at their disposal to help with symptoms. For many patients, over-the-counter lubricating drops such as Blink or Systane can be helpful. It is important to avoid redness relieving drops, as these tend to cause more problems over time. When over-the-counter drops are…
Understanding Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction
Last year, I wrote about heart failure. At that time, I had said that about half the patients admitted with congestive heart failure have normal systolic function. This is true. The most common way to express heart function is by measuring ejection fraction (EF). This is the proportion of the amount of blood in the…