Health News


  • Spotlight on Students’ Mental Health

    Spotlight on Students’ Mental Health

    New Law Seeks to Lower Number of Baker Act Incidents by MARY TOOTHMAN When state Rep. David Silvers heard about one child’s horrific experience as she was taken into custody under Florida’s Baker Act, he couldn’t stop thinking about it. A news story about the circumstances haunted him. The Baker Act is a Florida law…

  • Pop Quiz: Are Your Protecting Your Eyes From Digital Eye Strain?

    Pop Quiz: Are Your Protecting Your Eyes From Digital Eye Strain?

    For the majority of Americans, screen time is all the time. We utilize computers, tablets, and smart phones constantly, whether at work or for leisure. While the advantages of such technology can’t be denied, all of that time spent looking at a screen is not good for your eyes! Digital eye strain is a very…

  • Skintelligence


    Most Skin Cancer Is Preventable; Early Precautions Pay Off Later by TIM CRAIG Tom and Ariana Glennon know about the sun. From being stationed out in the South Pacific to making a life in Winter Haven, the pair’s experience with the sun’s rays has evolved. “When we were younger, there was no thought about sunscreen,”…


  • Editor’s Dose: Helping you get ready for a new school year

    Editor’s Dose: Helping you get ready for a new school year

      In this special edition of Central Florida Health News, we’re taking a good, detailed look at the challenges of helping our kids make healthy lifestyle choices, especially when you throw in the complexity of a busy school semester. It’s definitely not easy to bring up your kids in the way that they should go,…

  • Healthy Cook: After school time (or any time) snack ideas

      “Mom, I’m home and there’s nothing to eat and I’m hungry.” The answer was easy for Eve: “Go pick yourself a piece of fruit . . . but not the apples.” Life is more complicated now. And the neighbor’s citrus is out of season for a quick snack. This is a wonderful opportunity for…

  • Body, Mind & Spirit: Curb the stress of school expenses

      When bills start piling up at the start of the school year, stress levels also rise. There may be anger, or feelings of deprivation as favorite extracurricular activities are cut. But there are ways for the family to adjust and grow stronger. “We can teach our children what is really important in life,”says Patricia…

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