Health News


  • Spotlight on Students’ Mental Health

    Spotlight on Students’ Mental Health

    New Law Seeks to Lower Number of Baker Act Incidents by MARY TOOTHMAN When state Rep. David Silvers heard about one child’s horrific experience as she was taken into custody under Florida’s Baker Act, he couldn’t stop thinking about it. A news story about the circumstances haunted him. The Baker Act is a Florida law…

  • Pop Quiz: Are Your Protecting Your Eyes From Digital Eye Strain?

    Pop Quiz: Are Your Protecting Your Eyes From Digital Eye Strain?

    For the majority of Americans, screen time is all the time. We utilize computers, tablets, and smart phones constantly, whether at work or for leisure. While the advantages of such technology can’t be denied, all of that time spent looking at a screen is not good for your eyes! Digital eye strain is a very…

  • Skintelligence


    Most Skin Cancer Is Preventable; Early Precautions Pay Off Later by TIM CRAIG Tom and Ariana Glennon know about the sun. From being stationed out in the South Pacific to making a life in Winter Haven, the pair’s experience with the sun’s rays has evolved. “When we were younger, there was no thought about sunscreen,”…


  • Don’t sleep on it! Tips for making the morning routine more stress-free

    Don’t sleep on it! Tips for making the morning routine more stress-free

    AS A MOTHER of four, I’m constantly looking for ways to make more efficient use of my time, especially when it comes to the morning routine. With all four kids in school this year and all of them under eight years old, we have a lot of little hands and feet to manage, and that…

  • Publisher’s Note: An award-winning publication

    AS PUBLISHERS of seven niche magazines and members of the Florida Magazine Association (FMA), we here at Central Florida Media Group entered Central Florida Health News in the association’s annual Charlie Awards. This prestigious competition attracts the best of the best publishers in Florida, and has been judging our state’s magazine industry since 1957.

  • PCMA Letter: Helping the insured, under-insured, and uninsured

    IN THIS EDITION of Central Florida Health News, various organizations and medical experts talk about ways the community is working together to help residents understand the nuances of navigating their health insurance plans. In addition, this issue also features information on how the under-insured and the uninsured can get assistance finding affordable healthcare coverage. While…

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