Health News


  • Decision Time: ER or Urgent Care?

    Decision Time: ER or Urgent Care?

    Urgent Care Facilities Help to Ease the Burden on Emergency Rooms by TERESA SCHIFFER When patients are experiencing a medical emergency, whether it’s a serious injury or symptoms of severe illness, it’s important for them to get the right care. While an emergency room may be first to come to mind, sometimes a situation isn’t…

  • Mission Possible

    Mission Possible

    Homeless Outreach Center Cares for Body, Mind story and photos by PAUL CATALA Jason Garland says he stops in at The Mission of Winter Haven daily just to get the basic necessities not found on the streets, namely food and a shower. As he relaxes on a couch inside, Garland reflects on how his life…

  • Community Care: Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care

    Community Care: Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care

    Identifying Barriers to Mental Health Care for Minorities


  • Editor’s Dose: If you take nothing else away from Amanda’s story, remember these three things

    Editor’s Dose: If you take nothing else away from Amanda’s story, remember these three things

    IF YOU’VE READ the fitness story in this edition of Central Florida Health News, then read on. If you haven’t, then stop right here, click back to, and return to this when you’re done. There are a few key points that— no matter what your New Year’s resolution is — you can apply from…

  • Word of Mouth: Resolving to be better about dental care

    Word of Mouth: Resolving to be better about dental care

    YOU’VE LIKELY MADE resolutions to change bad habits when it comes to diet and exercise, but have you made resolutions to break bad habits when it comes to your teeth? Keeping your mouth and teeth healthy should be as important as keeping the rest of your body healthy. Damage to your teeth can be painful,…

  • Senior Care: Signs of the season to watch for

    Senior Care: Signs of the season to watch for

    THE HOLIDAYS are a joyous time when we visit senior family members who we might not see on a regular basis. For many children and grandchildren, however, it’s also a time when we might begin to see signs that our senior loved one is growing less able to care for herself, or live safely at…

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