Health News


  • More Than Just a Headache

    More Than Just a Headache

    Do You Know What Migraine Really Is? by TIM CRAIG “It kind of feels like a vice grip on my head, almost similar to feeling like your head’s being stabbed.”   Amy Beatty is describing what her typical migraine feels like. Beatty, from Winter Haven, has been getting migraines since she was 16. Now, the…

  • Tip-Top Shape at Any Age

    Tip-Top Shape at Any Age

    Proper Focus and Mindset Can Help Men Stay Fit and Healthy Over the Decades By PAUL CATALA For the average man, the body is in its best physical shape in the early to mid-20s.   But time can take a toll by age 30, when muscle strength starts to decrease by as much as 3…

  • Pop Quiz: When Silence Isn’t Golden: Is Tinnitus What You’re Hearing?

    Pop Quiz: When Silence Isn’t Golden: Is Tinnitus What You’re Hearing?

    Our hearing is an important part of our five senses, but we don’t often think about it until something goes awry. One way your hearing could be disrupted is through the onset of tinnitus, a condition where the sufferer hears a phantom sound such as ringing or other noises in one or both ears that…


  • Three Great Reasons to Schedule Your Annual Wellness Visit

    Three Great Reasons to Schedule Your Annual Wellness Visit

    You’ve had a physical, you’ve had your eyes checked, and your hearing.  You have gone through all the usual testing— cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, etc.  But have you scheduled your Annual Wellness Visit? This important appointment can help you regain control of your health and enhance your senior lifestyle.  Whether you believe you’re healthy…

  • The Thyroid Gland and Weight Loss

    The Thyroid Gland and Weight Loss

    Maintaining a healthy body weight can be frustrating – trying to balance sensible eating with proper exercise is tricky. Unfortunately, some folks suffer from health conditions that can make losing weight very difficult. An underperforming thyroid gland is one such culprit. The thyroid gland is an organ that sits at the base of the neck…

  • Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight

    Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight

    Did you know over 2 million Americans are affected by glaucoma? With proper treatment, the vast majority will not go blind from this silent disease of the eye.  The most common form of treatment is eye drops, which work to reduce the eye’s pressure. However, some patients may require eye surgery to achieve their treatment…

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