Health News
Determination & Dreams
Polk State Respiratory Care Student Works Hard to Reach Her Goals by PAUL CATALA Shaledra Turner says it was her “best friend” who motivated her to work hard, focus, study and strive for success in life. That “best friend” was Turner’s grandmother Doris Wade. And even though she died in December 2014, her words of…
Pop Quiz: Is Your Child Getting Enough Sleep?
It’s time for school-age kids, adolescents, and teenagers to say goodbye to summer and return to a school routine. One important component of the routine for students should be getting enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is important for everyone, regardless of age, but it’s especially important for kids and even teenagers. Take our quiz to…
Youths and Suicide: Spot the Warning Signs
by MATT COBBLE Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care Many health experts have noted that the pandemic has wreaked havoc on mental health as of late. September is National Suicide Prevention Month, a time to focus on how to help those who are suffering. While the national attention turns to children and teens…
Don’t worry about getting older — worry about getting healthier
Age is a pretty sensitive topic, especially for us women. We can’t help it, but it’s true. Once you hit that “certain age,” your worry worm syndrome about your appearance starts to kick in. You start to notice things, like the crow’s feet at the corner of the eyes. The extra belly fat that just…
PCMA Letter: Helping you do more than just live longer
As part of our continued efforts to raise awareness on important health topics in the region, I’m pleased to announce that we have a special guest columnist for Central Florida Health News magazine. Dr. Ulyee Choe, who is the director of the Florida Department of Health in Polk County, has graciously agreed to keep us abreast…
Healthy Cook: Culinary tips for the caregiver turned chef
There is no denying that our taste buds age with the rest of us. They get tired, just like our knees and hips. Doctors can replace some worn-out parts, but have you ever heard of a taste bud implant? One of the burger chains uses a slogan something like, “You Gotta Eat.” Well, it’s true. …