Health News


  • Medications for HIV Have Come a Long Way: Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care

    Medications for HIV Have Come a Long Way: Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care

    by TERESA SCHIFFER Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care   With World AIDS Day taking place on December 1, this is a good time to talk about HIV/AIDS prevention. Most of us already are aware of the dangers of this infectious disease, and that it is transmitted through an exchange of bodily fluids, such as…

  • Pop Quiz: Stop Sabotaging Your Skin

    Pop Quiz: Stop Sabotaging Your Skin

    Looking your best is an important consideration for most people, and the options for skincare and beauty products are endless. However, you may be sabotaging your own efforts to look and feel your best by committing common skincare and beauty mistakes. Take our pop quiz on the most common beauty and skin missteps to make…

  • Pop Quiz: Crash Course on Caffeine

    Pop Quiz: Crash Course on Caffeine

    Caffeine plays a big role in the lives of many Americans, with coffee, tea, caffeinated soda, energy drinks, and energy shots being some people’s daily go-to drinks. However, few actually stop to consider how much caffeine they are consuming every day or how that caffeine can affect their health. Test your knowledge with our pop…


  • Understanding Cataract Surgery

    Understanding Cataract Surgery

    Cataracts are the most treatable form of blindness worldwide. Millions of cataract surgeries are performed each year, restoring patients to functional visual status.   Cataract surgery was once the most common surgical procedure performed in the United States until about 6-11 years ago when intraocular anti-VEGF injections were developed to treat macular degeneration. This has…

  • Treatments That Help Lower Cholesterol

    Treatments That Help Lower Cholesterol

    Last month I discussed the role of lipids in atherosclerosis. This month, I’ll talk about treatment. For patients at high risk or those who have had a cardiovascular event (prior heart attack, stroke, stent, bypass, etc.), pharmacological treatment may be needed. Cholesterol production and accumulation in the body involves three processes. First, intake from food…

  • The Role of Lipids in Atherosclerosis

    The Role of Lipids in Atherosclerosis

    Last time we spoke of the various factors that play a part in plaque buildup and rupture causing a heart attack/stroke. We discussed the role of inflammation. This time, we will discuss the role of lipids. We know these are important and these numbers can be impacted by various treatments. So the question to be…

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