Health News
Pop Quiz: Do You Know the Signs and Symptoms of Endometriosis?
Pain and discomfort during menstruation are common symptoms women experience, but severe pain and other symptoms during your period may be a sign of endometriosis. This condition may be dismissed as severe symptoms during menstruation, so it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of endometriosis so you can see your doctor and treatment…
Defeat the Dander
Understanding and Treating Pet Allergies by SEAN JARVIS For thousands of people who love animals and their pet companions, there also comes a distracting side effect — pet allergies. Fortunately, there are several ways to manage your allergies and reduce your symptoms. Why Do I have Allergies, and What Causes Them? While…
Common Misconceptions About Service Animals
Rights, Best Practices, and Etiquette by CELÉSTE JO WALLS You have heard of them: guide dogs for the blind, PTSD support dogs for veterans, seizure response dogs, alert dogs for the hearing impaired, diabetic alert dogs, wheelchair assistant dogs, and more. You may have seen them in department stores, at theme parks, in restaurants, and…
Your Skin Type Can Offer Clues for Care
Knowing your skin type isn’t always easy, but it is essential knowledge to have when seeking out solutions, skin-care products, or dermatology services. There are four main skin types: oily, dry, combination, and sensitive. While a dermatologist can help you determine your skin type, there are some simple tests you can do at home to…
Risk Factors for Deep Vein Thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis is a serious medical condition that affects millions of people but thankfully is preventable. This is a condition in which a blood clot forms in a deep vein of the body, usually the thigh, leg, and rarely the arm. The worst complication is that the blood clot can break off and travel…
Kybella Injections Target Fat in Chin, Neck
If you’re self-conscious about the appearance of your chin and neck area, Kybella might be for you. Kybella is the commercial name for deoxycholic acid, a product that kills fat cells. This acid actually already exists in our bodies, just in the digestive system. It breaks down fats so they’re more easily digested. It can…