Health News
Pop Quiz: Do You Know the Signs and Symptoms of Endometriosis?
Pain and discomfort during menstruation are common symptoms women experience, but severe pain and other symptoms during your period may be a sign of endometriosis. This condition may be dismissed as severe symptoms during menstruation, so it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of endometriosis so you can see your doctor and treatment…
Defeat the Dander
Understanding and Treating Pet Allergies by SEAN JARVIS For thousands of people who love animals and their pet companions, there also comes a distracting side effect — pet allergies. Fortunately, there are several ways to manage your allergies and reduce your symptoms. Why Do I have Allergies, and What Causes Them? While…
Common Misconceptions About Service Animals
Rights, Best Practices, and Etiquette by CELÉSTE JO WALLS You have heard of them: guide dogs for the blind, PTSD support dogs for veterans, seizure response dogs, alert dogs for the hearing impaired, diabetic alert dogs, wheelchair assistant dogs, and more. You may have seen them in department stores, at theme parks, in restaurants, and…
Family Health: Beat the heat with summer safety tips for health and wellness
FLORIDA IS NOTORIOUS for its hot, humid weather. During the summer months, take care to protect yourself from the elements. High temps are dangerous for those who are prone to chronic health issues, so it’s imperative to take the proper precautions.
Think of your vacation as a vaca-shun
THERE’S A REASON PEOPLE need vacations and recreation. Vacate and re-create! Think of it as a vaca-shun. Shun the things that bother you. Take in the new. When you’re away, don’t think about the old things that trouble your mind.
Health Facts: Getting to the heat of the matter
AS TEMPERATURES RISE in sunny Florida, so does your risk of developing heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Approximately 20 cases of heat stroke per 100,000 people occur annually, with at least 240 deaths.