Health News


  • Vaccination, Early Detection Key to Fighting Cervical Cancer

    Vaccination, Early Detection Key to Fighting Cervical Cancer

    by TIM CRAIG Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care   January is Cervical Cancer Awareness month, and Central Florida Health Care is spending the month reminding women (and men!) that there are two key factors in fighting this disease: vaccination and early detection.    According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 14,480 new cases…

  • Pop Quiz: Think You Know Thyroid Disorders? Think Again

    Pop Quiz: Think You Know Thyroid Disorders? Think Again

    Weight gain and weight loss are common occurrences in any adult’s lifetime, but unexplained weight fluctuations can be the result of a thyroid problem. Issues with your thyroid can have long-lasting side effects for your health beyond just weight loss or weight gain, so it’s not an issue that you want to ignore. January is…

  • Fostering a Resolution

    Fostering a Resolution

     Fitness Club Tailors Training to Individual Needs by PAUL CATALA    Robin Chaddick of Lakeland has lost 6 percent of body fat since beginning a regular exercise routine and diet in April. She says the guidance, expertise, and patience of the staff at the Lakeland Athletic Club played a key role in her success so…


  • You Have Options When It Comes to Treatment of Acne

    You Have Options When It Comes to Treatment of Acne

    Acne is known to be common among teenagers, but it can affect individuals for years, even decades, after their teen years. It can be embarrassing enough to deal with acne when you’re in high school, but if you are still having breakouts while climbing the corporate ladder it can be downright disheartening.   Fortunately, there…

  • Sugar Control and Vascular Disease

    Sugar Control and Vascular Disease

    Happy New Year! This is the second part of our series focusing on lifestyle management for the prevention of vascular disease. In the December edition, we addressed smoking cessation. Now we will discuss the importance of sugar control.   Diabetes and Vascular Disease Diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects the body’s ability to absorb…

  • 7 Ways to Save Money on Your Glaucoma Drops

    7 Ways to Save Money on Your Glaucoma Drops

    Glaucoma is a group of diseases that affect the optic nerve of the eye. It is the cable that carries the information from the eye to the brain. Any damage to this optic nerve due to high pressures can damage it, resulting in lower vision or vision loss. Therefore, it is essential to treat glaucoma…

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