Health News


  • Game On!

    Game On!

    Polk Senior Games Return This Year With Outdoor Activities   by CATHERINE CERVONE   This year marks the 29th year of the annual Polk Senior Games, the largest of the 20 local senior games held in Florida.    Participants who are turning at least 50 years old in 2022 can participate in a variety of…

  • Pop Quiz: Heart attack or Panic Attack: Which Is It?

    Pop Quiz: Heart attack or Panic Attack: Which Is It?

    Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., so it’s no wonder that a heart attack—a result of coronary artery disease, which is one of the forms of heart disease—is a concern. While the most common symptoms of a heart attack are often recognizable, the symptoms of another common health condition—a panic…

  • Are You Talking to Me?

    Are You Talking to Me?

    Recognizing and Neutralizing Negative Self-Talk  by TERESA SCHIFFER   As the new year gets underway, there’s always a lot of talk about resolutions. Healthy lifestyles, fewer expletives, diets and procrastination rank up there with the most common goals. This year, how about a different kind of resolution? One that could have a lasting effect on…


  • Ask a Nurse: The evolution of modern medicine

    Ask a Nurse: The evolution of modern medicine

    Did you know that an anesthesiologist (the doctor that puts you to sleep and keeps you alive during surgery) wasn’t even considered a field or specialty in medicine until 1941!1 Could you imagine undergoing surgery without anesthesia? Barbaric! Thoracic surgery (chest surgery) wasn’t approved until 1970, and bariatric (obesity) medicine has yet to become an official…

  • Medical Advice: Avoiding mosquitoes and chikungunya virus

    Medical Advice: Avoiding mosquitoes and chikungunya virus

    I was first introduced to a disease known as chikungunya during my medical training.  Initially, I dismissed this foreign illness as something I would probably not see in my career.  Chikungunya was originally found in Asia, Africa, and the islands of the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific.  This changed on December 2013, when there was…

  • Editor’s Dose: Adventures with school physicals!

    Editor’s Dose: Adventures with school physicals!

    It’s school physical time already! Am I the only one who feels like summer went by way too fast? Maybe it’s because “time flies when you’re having fun.” Or, maybe it’s because time flies when you have four kids . . . maybe it’s a combination of both. Either way, our house is in full…

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