Health News


  • Pop Quiz: Osteoporosis Can Sneak Up on You. Are You at Risk?

    Pop Quiz: Osteoporosis Can Sneak Up on You. Are You at Risk?

    Breaking a bone is scary enough for anyone, regardless of age. So imagine how frightening it can be to know that your bones aren’t nearly as strong as when you were younger! Unfortunately, that’s a reality for people who suffer from osteoporosis. The condition is often an underlying factor when seniors suffer broken bones. Take…

  • More Than Man’s Best Friend

    More Than Man’s Best Friend

    Maguire Schmid Finds Perfect Partner in Diabetic Alert Dog  by TIM CRAIG photos by MICHAEL WILSON   Maguire Schmid remembers his first encounter with a Diabetic Alert Dog.   It was about seven years ago at a festival. One of his friends who has type I diabetes had one.   “I had no idea they…

  • Pop Quiz: Do You Know the Signs and Symptoms of Endometriosis?

    Pop Quiz: Do You Know the Signs and Symptoms of Endometriosis?

    Pain and discomfort during menstruation are common symptoms women experience, but severe pain and other symptoms during your period may be a sign of endometriosis. This condition may be dismissed as severe symptoms during menstruation, so it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of endometriosis so you can see your doctor and treatment…


  • Signs and Symptoms: Telltale signs of an alcohol problem

      The argument escalates into a full-blown fight . . . when you or a loved one has been drinking. You or they seem to be losing touch at work, at home, or with friends. Relationships are strained. How do you know when drinking too much is really too much? It’s easy to become lulled…

  • Editor’s Dose: Getting your feet wet

    Editor’s Dose: Getting your feet wet

      When it comes to the Internet pool, it’s not always easy to just jump in and swim, especially when you’re interested in a topic like health, which is as broad as any ocean and as deep as any sea. At Central Florida Health News however, we’ve got the tools to help you get your…

  • Associate Publisher’s Column: The business of health and you

      I’d like to join our Publisher and Polk County Medical Association (PCMA) President in welcoming you to the first edition of Central Florida Health News (CFHN) magazine. The partnership between Central Florida Media Group (CFMG) and the PCMA will serve medical professionals as well as consumers. You’ll see locally focused coverage on topics like…

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