Health News
All Skin Needs UV Protection, Not Just Fair Skin, Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care
by TERESA SCHIFFER Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care It’s summertime in Florida, and those long summer days drench us in even more sunshine than we get throughout the rest of the year. Are you wearing sunscreen? If not, you definitely should be. Damage from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation adds up over the…
Pop Quiz!
Which Type of Sunscreen Is Best Suited to You?
Is There a Doctor in the House?
Healthcare Associations Look to Soften Impact of Physician Shortage
Children’s Eye Health
Children require clear vision in each eye and both eyes working together properly to be successful in school and extracurricular activities. We use our eyes to read, write, throw a ball, utilize computers, and watch TV as well as other activities. As children advance in school, the demand for clear vision increases because they spend…
Central Florida Health Care Hosts Teaching Kitchen Workshop
[ot-gallery url=””] On June 6, Central Florida Health Care held their Teaching Kitchen Workshop focused on men’s health, food safety, ad weight control. The facilitator of the evening, registered/licensed dietician Ron Lund, walked through various recipes and cooking tips and was available for questions throughout the event. Next month’s class will be held on July…
Getting to the Root of the Problem
Hair loss, baldness, or alopecia is often a concern raised by both male and female patients. We normally lose between 50 to 100 hairs a day that are replaced by hair growth. Signs indicating abnormal hair loss are bald patches or hair thinning. Many times, hair loss may be an indication of a disease or…