Health News
All Skin Needs UV Protection, Not Just Fair Skin, Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care
by TERESA SCHIFFER Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care It’s summertime in Florida, and those long summer days drench us in even more sunshine than we get throughout the rest of the year. Are you wearing sunscreen? If not, you definitely should be. Damage from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation adds up over the…
Pop Quiz!
Which Type of Sunscreen Is Best Suited to You?
Is There a Doctor in the House?
Healthcare Associations Look to Soften Impact of Physician Shortage
The Link Between Obesity, Vascular Disease
Loving ourselves and taking care of our health to prevent or delay the onset of chronic conditions is an important aspect of our health. This is the fourth part of a series focusing on lifestyle management for the prevention of vascular disease. In previous columns, we’ve addressed smoking cessation, blood pressure regulation, and the…
Hypertension and Vascular Disease
In the previous two issues, we addressed smoking cessation and the importance of sugar control. In this edition, we will look at the role of hypertension in the prevention of vascular disease and how we can make lifestyle choices that can prevent or delay the onset of hypertension. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects…
Common Vision Problems
There are many types of vision problems that can affect your eyesight. The focus of this topic will be on the four most common causes of blurred vision. Astigmatism Astigmatism is an uneven or irregular curvature of the cornea and/or lens of the eye. This results in blurred or distorted vision. Other symptoms…