Health News


  • Fight the Temptation

    Fight the Temptation

    Dietician Shares Tips to Help Diabetics Safely Enjoy Holiday Fare by TERESA SCHIFFER The holidays are approaching and with them the annual battle of the carbs at the dinner table. So much fantastic food – hearty casseroles, decadent desserts, and festive beverages … so many hidden calories and carbohydrates lurking on the table that can…

  • T1D Determination

    T1D Determination

    Boy Takes Control of Diagnosis to Dream Big story by KRISTEN GUEVARA photos by TYLER DIGIOVINE A typical 11-year-old likely doesn’t prefer the company of a snitch, but for one Lake Wales boy in particular — it’s exactly what he wants.   In 2018, Weston Watson was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes — commonly referred to…

  • Pop Quiz!

    Pop Quiz!

    Are You Really Boosting Your Immune System? The news has been filled with information concerning the immune system, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic and the start of cold and flu season. The body’s immune system is a complex network of organs, white blood cells, proteins called antibodies, and chemicals that work together to protect you…


  • Medical Advice: Resources available for people living with HIV and AIDS

    Medical Advice: Resources available for people living with HIV and AIDS

    AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2014, 2,107 individuals were reported as “People Living With HIV and AIDS” (PLWHA) in Polk County. From January 1 to December 31, 2014, there were 112 new HIV cases reported to the Florida Department of Health in Polk County. We believe that even one newly reported case is one too many.…

  • Publisher’s Note: The most comprehensive medical directory for the region is here!

    THIS MONTH marks a very special time of year for us at Central Florida Media Group. Inserted within this issue of Central Florida Health News, you’ll find the sixth annual edition of the Central Florida Physicians Directory & Medical Professionals Guide!

  • PCMA Letter: My last letter as your president

    PCMA Letter: My last letter as your president

    IN THIS EDITION of Central Florida Health News magazine, you’ll read about some of the procedures that not only help improve the patient’s physical health, but also quality of life, and in some cases, improve self-esteem. Cosmetic surgery is a procedure that can accomplish one or all of these health goals, and Polk County Medical…

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