Health News


  • Where AI Meets Awareness

    Where AI Meets Awareness

    AdventHealth’s GRACE Helps With Early Detection of Breast Cancer  by REBEKAH PIERCE October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and while we’ve known for many years that awareness and early detection can help save lives, it’s always been an “easier said than done” situation. Like many cancers, breast cancer is notoriously hard to detect and can…

  • The Journey of a Lifetime

    The Journey of a Lifetime

    Bo Boyte’s T1D Experience Turned Him From a Boy Who Hid His Disease to Outspoken Advocate by RYAN MILEJCZAK For many, being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes before you can even walk might seem like a monumental life change. But for Bo Boyte of Lake Wales, who was diagnosed when he was only 13 months…

  • Endocrinologists Are the First Line of Defense for Diabetics

    Endocrinologists Are the First Line of Defense for Diabetics

    by RYAN MILEJCZAK Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care When something goes wrong with your car, a general mechanic can often address the issue. However, for more complex problems, like transmission or engine issues, a specialist mechanic is better equipped to solve the problems. Similarly, in health care, primary care physicians handle routine and preventive…


  • Children’s Eye Health

    Children’s Eye Health

    Children require clear vision in each eye and both eyes working together properly to be successful in school and extracurricular activities. We use our eyes to read, write, throw a ball, utilize computers, and watch TV as well as other activities. As children advance in school, the demand for clear vision increases because they spend…

  • Central Florida Health Care Hosts Teaching Kitchen Workshop

    Central Florida Health Care Hosts Teaching Kitchen Workshop

    [ot-gallery url=””]  On June 6, Central Florida Health Care held their Teaching Kitchen Workshop focused on men’s health, food safety, ad weight control. The facilitator of the evening, registered/licensed dietician Ron Lund, walked through various recipes and cooking tips and was available for questions throughout the event. Next month’s class will be held on July…

  • Getting to the Root of the Problem

    Getting to the Root of the Problem

    Hair loss, baldness, or alopecia is often a concern raised by both male and female patients. We normally lose between 50 to 100 hairs a day that are replaced by hair growth. Signs indicating abnormal hair loss are bald patches or hair thinning. Many times, hair loss may be an indication of a disease or…

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