Health News


  • The Heart of the Matter

    The Heart of the Matter

    Area Physicians Weigh In on ECGs for Student Athletes by PAUL CATALA As the school year ramps up, parents are busy lining up appointments so their student athletes can get their sports physicals. Over the past decade, there’s been increased interest in the incorporation of electrocardiogram heart screenings in these physicals. An electrocardiogram, or ECG,…

  • When Heroes Need Help

    When Heroes Need Help

    New Initiative Seeks to Connect Veterans and First Responders With Mental Health Resources by RYAN MILEJCZAK A new initiative here in Central Florida seeks to help veterans and first responders struggle with mental health challenges. The Heroes Wellness Collective, launched by Lake Wales-based Operation Recovery, seeks to create a centralized, online platform that connects veterans…

  • A Different Kind of First Aid

    A Different Kind of First Aid

    Peace River Center Offers Mental Health First Aid by REBEKAH PIERCE An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This timeless adage is something we think about often when it comes to our physical health, but not necessarily what’s going on inside our heads. Yet the reality is that, in 2024, mental health…


  • Publisher’s Note: open enrollment ends February 15

    Publisher’s Note: open enrollment ends February 15

    If you do not have health insurance, and you’re not sure how to get it, you need to make it a priority to look at your options on — the website that offers healthcare insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The open enrollment period is happening now, but it closes on February 15.…

  • Editor’s Dose: Accountability is another ally with weight-loss goal

    Editor’s Dose: Accountability is another ally with weight-loss goal

    In this edition of Central Florida Health News, we talk about how your new year’s resolution to lose weight can benefit from having medical supervision … but why? My answer for you is very simple: Because we all need to be held accountable.

  • Healthy Cook: Busting resolution diet myths

    Healthy Cook: Busting resolution diet myths

    IN THE NEW YEAR I will … In the new year I won’t … Sound familiar? It’s the new year’s resolution. We make ’em. We break ’em. And we feel guilty about it.

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