Health News


  • Striking a Balance

    Striking a Balance

    Fitness Center Is Helping Women Get On- and Stay On – the Road to Good Health by PAUL CATALAphotos provided by THE BALANCE CULTURE The temptation and indulgence of the holidays are enough to make even the most enthusiastic fitness buffs take a few weeks off. New Year’s resolutions are often cited for driving gym…

  • A Strong Health Team Can Help Detect, Mitigate Birth Defects

    A Strong Health Team Can Help Detect, Mitigate Birth Defects

    by TERESA SCHIFFER Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care January is National Birth Defects Awareness Month, a time for discussions about how different birth defects can affect individuals over the course of their lifespan, and what can be done to minimize the risk of these occurrences. It’s important to understand that the term “birth defect”…

  • Pop Quiz: Trust Your Gut

    Pop Quiz: Trust Your Gut

    How Much Do You Know About Microbiomes and Your Digestive Health? Did you know that some kinds of bacteria are actually beneficial to have in your digestive tract? While it may sound counterintuitive, certain strains of bacteria — like lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria, which make up your gut microbiome — offer a host of benefits for…


  • Demystifying the Eyedrop Aisle

    Demystifying the Eyedrop Aisle

    By: Daniel Smith, O.D.  Many eye disorders can be treated effectively with eye drops and products found over the counter at the local pharmacy and grocery stores. But with so many options on the shelves, finding the right product for your needs can be overwhelming and confusing. Your eye doctor can provide you with specific…

  • When to Seek Help for Spider, Varicose Veins

    When to Seek Help for Spider, Varicose Veins

    Spider Veins vs. Varicose Veins Varicose veins are superficial veins that appear knotty and — unless painful, achy, or inflamed — may not need to be treated. Varicose veins usually become more apparent with age and are the price humans pay for standing erect, as opposed to monkeys who walk on all four legs. Spider…

  • Brain Attack, Stroke, and Mini-Stroke: Are You at Risk?

    Brain Attack, Stroke, and Mini-Stroke: Are You at Risk?

    Approximately 700,000 strokes occur in the United States annually. Stroke, or brain attack, is a disease that involves the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that brings oxygen to the brain gets blocked by a blood clot most commonly. With the oxygen supply to the brain…

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