Health News


  • T1D Determination

    T1D Determination

    Boy Takes Control of Diagnosis to Dream Big story by KRISTEN GUEVARA photos by TYLER DIGIOVINE A typical 11-year-old likely doesn’t prefer the company of a snitch, but for one Lake Wales boy in particular — it’s exactly what he wants.   In 2018, Weston Watson was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes — commonly referred to…

  • Pop Quiz!

    Pop Quiz!

    Are You Really Boosting Your Immune System? The news has been filled with information concerning the immune system, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic and the start of cold and flu season. The body’s immune system is a complex network of organs, white blood cells, proteins called antibodies, and chemicals that work together to protect you…

  • Men Aren’t Immune to Breast Cancer

    Men Aren’t Immune to Breast Cancer

    While men may not be the first ones to come to mind when you think of breast cancer awareness, they can still develop it. Central Florida Health News spoke with Winter Haven Hospital oncologist Dr. Hassan Ebrahim to learn more about breast cancer in men.   Health News: What percent of breast cancer occurs in men?…


  • UV ray eye safety tips to remember

      In addition to the article about how to avoid heat stress – or worse – heat stroke on page 23, this month is also national UV Safety Month. The American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Polk County Medical Association want to help everyone understand the dangers of over exposure to ultraviolet radiation. UV rays…

  • Healthy Cook: How do I eat my protein? Let me count the ways

      “Make sure you get enough protein. Eat your meat. You need a lot of protein,” Mom harped. We do need protein. We need a lot of different nutrients to keep our body machines humming along nicely. Protein is just one of them. And it’s easy to get. Experts in Washington decree how much nutrients we…

  • Publisher’s Note: We are your reader advocates

    Publisher’s Note: We are your reader advocates

    In a former life as a newspaper publisher, we sometimes had a position in the newsroom called a “reader advocate.” Our editors would rotate on this desk and some loved the assignment and some frankly hated it. Basically the job entailed taking phone calls or answering emails about this or that regarding the content of…

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