Health News


  • The New You Experience

    The New You Experience

    Winter Haven IV Bar Goes Far Beyond Hangover Remedies With a Focus on Wellness by TERESA SCHIFFER photos by JESSICA McDONALD There’s a new bar in Winter Haven, and this one won’t have you holding your head with regret in the morning! This bar specializes in wellness and hydration, so after a visit you’ll feel…

  • Let’s Talk About Sickle Cell Disease

    Let’s Talk About Sickle Cell Disease

    by TERESA SCHIFFER Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care Sickle cell disease may be a familiar phrase to many, but most people are still unfamiliar with the condition. “Sickle cell disease is a group of inherited disorders of the red blood cells,” says Dr. Cara Nelson-James of Central Florida Health Care. “It affects close to…

  • Pop Quiz!

    Pop Quiz!

    What’s the Secret to Aging Gracefully? Everyone wants to put their “best face forward,” and that means paying attention to anti-aging skin care. However, there is a dizzying amount of information and an array of products out there aimed at fighting the signs of aging on your skin, so it can be a daunting task…


  • Publisher’s Note: open enrollment ends February 15

    Publisher’s Note: open enrollment ends February 15

    If you do not have health insurance, and you’re not sure how to get it, you need to make it a priority to look at your options on — the website that offers healthcare insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The open enrollment period is happening now, but it closes on February 15.…

  • Editor’s Dose: Accountability is another ally with weight-loss goal

    Editor’s Dose: Accountability is another ally with weight-loss goal

    In this edition of Central Florida Health News, we talk about how your new year’s resolution to lose weight can benefit from having medical supervision … but why? My answer for you is very simple: Because we all need to be held accountable.

  • Healthy Cook: Busting resolution diet myths

    Healthy Cook: Busting resolution diet myths

    IN THE NEW YEAR I will … In the new year I won’t … Sound familiar? It’s the new year’s resolution. We make ’em. We break ’em. And we feel guilty about it.

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