Health News


  • When Heroes Need Help

    When Heroes Need Help

    New Initiative Seeks to Connect Veterans and First Responders With Mental Health Resources by RYAN MILEJCZAK A new initiative here in Central Florida seeks to help veterans and first responders struggle with mental health challenges. The Heroes Wellness Collective, launched by Lake Wales-based Operation Recovery, seeks to create a centralized, online platform that connects veterans…

  • A Different Kind of First Aid

    A Different Kind of First Aid

    Peace River Center Offers Mental Health First Aid by REBEKAH PIERCE An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This timeless adage is something we think about often when it comes to our physical health, but not necessarily what’s going on inside our heads. Yet the reality is that, in 2024, mental health…

  • Prepare Your Kids for a Happy, Healthy School Year

    Prepare Your Kids for a Happy, Healthy School Year

    by RYAN MILEJCZAK Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care Soon, kids across Central Florida will be going back to school, and that means it’s time to start preparing. In addition to loading up on school supplies, it’s also important to make sure kids are prepared to stay healthy so they can get the most out…


  • Mediterranean diet for cardiovascular health

    Mediterranean diet for cardiovascular health

      Dr. Sean P. O’Rourke is a board-certified cardiologist at Watson Clinic. With a subspecialty in cardiovascular disease, Dr. O’Rourke often sees patients suffering from heart disease. He took the time to answer some questions about heart disease, which has a higher death rate in Polk County than in the rest of Florida.   Health…

  • Medical advice: 8 simple tips to sounder sleep

      Sure, there’s plenty to worry about these days: The economy, job security and family issues. It’s enough to lose sleep over. Not that we need any help from sleep deprivation. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), one out of 10 adults has insomnia so severe that it has daytime consequences. As…

  • Publisher’s Note: Looking ahead for health

    Publisher’s Note: Looking ahead for health

    Let me be the first to welcome you to the inaugural edition of Central Florida Health News! From the early conceptual designs to the product you hold in your hands, it has been a great experience collaborating with the Polk County Medical Association (PCMA) to bring you the best in health news and local features.…

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