Health News


  • Getting You On the Right Path

    Getting You On the Right Path

    Behavioral Health Navigators Steer Polk Residents to the Right Resources by TERESA SCHIFFER The first step toward overcoming a mental health or behavioral problem is acknowledging the problem and seeking treatment. Unfortunately, finding the right resources that can provide that help can be challenging. Peace River Center has introduced a new program providing guidance for…

  • Paving the Way for the Future

    Paving the Way for the Future

    BayCare Polk Teaming Up With Local Colleges to Provide Immersive Experience by TERESA SCHIFFER Aspiring nurses must be dedicated to their education before they enter the field professionally, but classroom instruction alone will not prepare them for the daily duties of nursing. That’s why BayCare Health System’s Polk Region is now partnering with several local…

  • The Power of the PSA Test

    The Power of the PSA Test

    Prostate Cancer Survivors Emphasize Importance of Crucial Screening Tool by TERESA SCHIFFER Among men in the U.S., prostate cancer is the second most common cancer. When it was first discovered by surgeon J. Adams at The London Hospital in 1853, it was considered “a very rare disease.” It took about 50 years for doctors to…


  • It Takes a Community to Heal A Warrior

    It Takes a Community to Heal A Warrior

    The holiday season is a time of catching up with friends and family and spending time with loved ones. Unfortunately for many veterans suffering from PTSD and their families, it can be a challenging and stressful time of year. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, each day 22 veterans take their own lives. It…

  • Does your child struggle with reading or schoolwork?

    Does your child struggle with reading or schoolwork?

    The majority of vision problems that interfere with reading and learning are easily treatable. Even if your child participated in a vision screening at their school or pediatrician’s office, he or she may benefit from a comprehensive eye exam with an optometrist, who can detect eye damage or conditions that are not typically found during…

  • New Year, Healthy Mouth

    New Year, Healthy Mouth

    As we say goodbye to 2018 and ring in the new year, what better time to refocus your efforts on oral hygiene? At the start of every new year, we set goals for ourselves and resolutions to conquer regarding diets, getting in better shape, and bettering ourselves in various aspects of life. Your oral hygiene…

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