Health News


  • Pop Quiz!

    Pop Quiz!

    National Epidemic: Get the Facts on Childhood Obesity September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. While Florida ranks 35th in the nation for childhood obesity, the problem is widespread across the country. Knowing the ins and outs of the disease is the first step to ending it. Take our quiz on childhood obesity to learn…

  • Reaping What They Sowed

    Reaping What They Sowed

    5 of BayCare Residency Program’s Inaugural Class Staying in Area to Provide Care by TERESA SCHIFFER Three years ago, six enthusiastic medical school graduates entered a new residency program at BayCare Medical Group’s Family Health Center in Winter Haven, under the leadership of Dr. Nathan Falk. On June 17 of this year, after serving Central…

  • Center for Behavioral Health Expands to Offer More Options for Care

    Center for Behavioral Health Expands to Offer More Options for Care

    by TERESA SCHIFFER When President John F. Kennedy passed the Community Mental Health Act of 1963, a new world was opened up to scores of individuals who would never have received the care they needed to thrive in society. Locally, Winter Haven Hospital’s Center for Behavioral Health opened its doors in 1967 as one of…


  • UV ray eye safety tips to remember

      In addition to the article about how to avoid heat stress – or worse – heat stroke on page 23, this month is also national UV Safety Month. The American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Polk County Medical Association want to help everyone understand the dangers of over exposure to ultraviolet radiation. UV rays…

  • Healthy Cook: How do I eat my protein? Let me count the ways

      “Make sure you get enough protein. Eat your meat. You need a lot of protein,” Mom harped. We do need protein. We need a lot of different nutrients to keep our body machines humming along nicely. Protein is just one of them. And it’s easy to get. Experts in Washington decree how much nutrients we…

  • Publisher’s Note: We are your reader advocates

    Publisher’s Note: We are your reader advocates

    In a former life as a newspaper publisher, we sometimes had a position in the newsroom called a “reader advocate.” Our editors would rotate on this desk and some loved the assignment and some frankly hated it. Basically the job entailed taking phone calls or answering emails about this or that regarding the content of…

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