Health News


  • The itching, sneezing, burning questions

    Getting answers on allergy season Dr. George Lyle specializes in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery at the Barranco Clinic in Winter Haven. He often sees patients suffering from allergies. Dr. Lyle answers some questions about these sometimes debilitating problems. Central Florida Health News (CFHN): Spring can wreak havoc on people with allergies. What are…


  • Health Facts: Tired … thinning hair . . . tearful? It may be your thyroid gland

    THE THYROID GLAND is a butterfly shaped organ that sits in the lower front of the neck. It’s job is to make thyroid hormones, which are secreted into the bloodstream and taken to every tissue in the body. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, energy levels, and affect your appetite, body warmth, sleep, and mood. Symptoms may…

  • Senior Care: Oral hygiene and its importance for your senior loved one

    Senior Care: Oral hygiene and its importance for your senior loved one

    DENTAL HEALTH is important at any age, but it’s especially true for our senior populations. Today’s seniors likely didn’t have the benefit of fluoridated water and other products as children, and there are few healthcare programs that offer comprehensive dental care; both Medicaid and Medicare only offer scant coverage at best. The issue is so…

  • Editor’s Dose: Daily steps toward a healthier heart — so you don’t skip a beat

    Editor’s Dose: Daily steps toward a healthier heart — so you don’t skip a beat

    IN MY FAMILY, there is a history of a blood disease, which causes the person to produce too many red blood cells. This, in turn, causes the blood to be too thick, which puts the person at increased risk for heart attack or stroke. Although this rare condition is not linked to heart disease, it…

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