Health News


  • The itching, sneezing, burning questions

    Getting answers on allergy season Dr. George Lyle specializes in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery at the Barranco Clinic in Winter Haven. He often sees patients suffering from allergies. Dr. Lyle answers some questions about these sometimes debilitating problems. Central Florida Health News (CFHN): Spring can wreak havoc on people with allergies. What are…


  • Diabetes — the Leading Cause of Blindness

    Diabetes — the Leading Cause of Blindness

    October may be National Diabetes Month, but for me as an eye doctor, every month is diabetes month. Complications from diabetes are the leading cause of blindness in adults in the United States. For my patients who are diabetic, I am always on the lookout for bleeding inside the eye as well as internal swelling,…

  • Protect Your Joints and Help Your Golf Game

    Protect Your Joints and Help Your Golf Game

    Many people injure themselves simply because they do not stretch. A survey showed that more than half of the golfers who warmed up for 10 minutes or more before golfing had fewer than half the injuries than those who did not warm up. Another cause of injuries is the fact that golf is a repetitive…

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Shingles

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Shingles

    Shingles is a contagious virus (varicella zoster) that results in a painful rash. The virus that causes the rash is one of nine known herpes viruses to infect humans. It is the same virus that causes chickenpox.    After having chickenpox, typically as a child, the virus lies dormant in nerve tissue underneath the skin.…

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