Health News
The itching, sneezing, burning questions
Getting answers on allergy season Dr. George Lyle specializes in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery at the Barranco Clinic in Winter Haven. He often sees patients suffering from allergies. Dr. Lyle answers some questions about these sometimes debilitating problems. Central Florida Health News (CFHN): Spring can wreak havoc on people with allergies. What are…
PCMA Letter: Part of the responsibility of being a father
As doctors and parents, this edition of Central Florida Health News hits very close to home for many of us at the Polk County Medical Association (PCMA). One of the features in this edition talks about how regular health screenings for men are an essential part of living a longer, healthier life. I was honored…
Publisher’s Note: A look at House Bill 9: Involuntary examinations under the Baker Act
As I’m writing this, the 2013 Legislative Session at our state’s capitol is still underway, but will soon be coming to a close. During this process, several notable bills to our healthcare system will potentially be passed. One of the simple, but notable bills is one that will allow physician assistants (PAs) & advanced registered…
Editor’s Dose: Adventures with kids and vegetables
My twins are turning five this year, and they have officially reached the “vegetables are gross” stage. Fortunately, I can exclude my three-year-old girl and two-year-old boy from this dilemma . . . at least two out of four of my kids will eat their greens (and actually enjoy it!). The twins, however, are another…