Health News
Take my advice, please!
The healthy way to handle uninvited counsel from friends and family The four simple, well-meaning words — if I were you — seem to preface most unsolicited advice from friends, parents, neighbors and even strangers. When that advice isn’t something the listener wants or needs to hear, it’s easy to grow resentful. “Most people are…
A new plan for the new you
Local spotlight on healthy weight-loss solutions “People who want to lose weight should consider going to a physician,” says Ralph J. Nobo, Jr., M.D., a gynecologist who has practiced in Bartow for 25 years. “When health issues arise, they’ll be detected more quickly than at a clinic. I’ve developed a weight program for my patients…
Seeing the world through new eyes
Intra-Ocular lens implants Technological advancements in Ophthalmology continue to amaze me even after 25 years of practice. In the past few years there has been an explosion in new intraocular lenses (IOL) available. These allow patients to experience better vision and more eyeglass independence. A cataract is a clouding of the natural occurring focusing lens…
Editor’s Dose: All I Want for Christmas is… Less Stress!
Well, the Christmas season is here. Another year has come and gone, and we’re staring down the future at the threshold of 2015. But, before I get too far ahead of myself, I try to spend the last month of the year focusing on living in the moment and not getting too caught up in…
Protect you and your loved ones this flu season
The Influenza virus causes symptoms such as fever, body aches, sneezing, and coughing. The flu can last for weeks and can lead to hospitalization from complications. Protect your family this flu season!
Healthy Cook: Fad foods that are actually good for you
Step right up ladies and gents and see what Dr. Doodad’s miracle elixir can do. This one bottle cures pimples and piles, aches and acne, cancer and calluses, and makes you irresistible to the opposite sex. And all for just a dollar.