Health News


  • Take my advice, please!

    The healthy way to handle uninvited counsel from friends and family The four simple, well-meaning words — if I were you — seem to preface most unsolicited advice from friends, parents, neighbors and even strangers. When that advice isn’t something the listener wants or needs to hear, it’s easy to grow resentful. “Most people are…

  • A new plan for the new you

    Local spotlight on healthy weight-loss solutions “People who want to lose weight should consider going to a physician,” says Ralph J. Nobo, Jr., M.D., a gynecologist who has practiced in Bartow for 25 years. “When health issues arise, they’ll be detected more quickly than at a clinic. I’ve developed a weight program for my patients…

  • Seeing the world through new eyes

    Intra-Ocular lens implants Technological advancements in Ophthalmology continue to amaze me even after 25 years of practice. In the past few years there has been an explosion in new intraocular lenses (IOL) available. These allow patients to experience better vision and more eyeglass independence. A cataract is a clouding of the natural occurring focusing lens…


  • First impressions of our daughter’s new specialist

    First impressions of our daughter’s new specialist

    WE HEARD IT growing up from our mothers all the time, but we didn’t quite understand the true significance of it. As adults, we begin to see the value in making a good first impression. Whether it’s for a job interview, that first parent-teacher meeting, or sitting down with a new doctor, first impressions play…

  • Word of Mouth: The warnings of sensitive teeth

    Word of Mouth: The warnings of sensitive teeth

    Any doctor or dentist will tell you that pain is a warning sign your body is sending to tell you something is amiss. Tooth sensitivity is no different. The sharp, quick pain you feel when you eat or drink something cold or hot is a warning sign to see your dentist.

  • Healthy Smiles: From brides and grooms to dads and grads, we design beautiful smiles

    Healthy Smiles: From brides and grooms to dads and grads, we design beautiful smiles

    ON YOUR WEDDING DAY or graduation day, the only thing that will stand out more than your gown or tux, is your beaming smile! Soon, you’ll be creating memories and capturing images to last a lifetime.

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