Health News
Bone-up to avoid osteoporosis
Helping women (and men) maintain healthy bones Many people have heard about osteoporosis. However, experts say most people are undereducated about this common affliction. “The most negatively impactful myth is that osteoporosis is a disease that afflicts very elderly women and that it is an inevitable effect of aging,” says Thomas W. Oates, MD, a…
The Race of Life for Women
A Steady Pace of Health at All Ages Dr. Eva Salamon is proud of the relationship she has with her mother. “My mother is a woman I admire greatly,” Salamon says. “She has always been a supportive, encouraging, educated woman.” Salamon says her relationship with her mother has influenced the relationship she has with her…
MBA in skin cancer protection
An education in preventing and recognizing the most common form of cancer Despite prolific media coverage of the dangers posed by exposure to ultraviolet rays, skin cancer rates have steadily risen over the past three decades, making it the most common of all cancer types. William J. Roth, MD, PhD, a board-certified dermatologist at Watson…
Medical Advice: Back-to-school tips and the 5-2-1-0 program
AS STUDENTS and families prepare to return to school, the Florida Department of Health in Polk County (FDOH-Polk) would like to take this opportunity to remind them to take the proper steps to stay healthy this school year. Good health is important for students in order to maintain regular school attendance and be ready to…
Hospice Help: Hospice myth busting
WHEN MOST PEOPLE hear the word “hospice,” they immediately associate the provided care as being intimately tied to hours, or if lucky, days before death. Then there is also the supposition that hospice is only for cancer patients. These are just two myths that need to be busted when it comes to understanding hospice.
First impressions of our daughter’s new specialist
WE HEARD IT growing up from our mothers all the time, but we didn’t quite understand the true significance of it. As adults, we begin to see the value in making a good first impression. Whether it’s for a job interview, that first parent-teacher meeting, or sitting down with a new doctor, first impressions play…