Health News


  • Bone-up to avoid osteoporosis

    Helping women (and men) maintain healthy bones Many people have heard about osteoporosis. However, experts say most people are undereducated about this common affliction. “The most negatively impactful myth is that osteoporosis is a disease that afflicts very elderly women and that it is an inevitable effect of aging,” says Thomas W. Oates, MD, a…

  • The Race of Life for Women

    A Steady Pace of Health at All Ages Dr. Eva Salamon is proud of the relationship she has with her mother. “My mother is a woman I admire greatly,” Salamon says. “She has always been a supportive, encouraging, educated woman.” Salamon says her relationship with her mother has influenced the relationship she has with her…

  • MBA in skin cancer protection

    An education in preventing and recognizing the most common form of cancer Despite prolific media coverage of the dangers posed by exposure to ultraviolet rays, skin cancer rates have steadily risen over the past three decades, making it the most common of all cancer types. William J. Roth, MD, PhD, a board-certified dermatologist at Watson…


  • The Heart of the Matter: Recommendations from the USPSTF for low-dose aspirin use

    The Heart of the Matter: Recommendations from the USPSTF for low-dose aspirin use

    LOW-DOSE ASPIRIN has long been a therapy for those with a risk of cardiovascular disease, and studies have shown it to be effective at lowering the risk of colorectal cancer as well. However, aspirin also has been shown to have health dangers, such as increasing the risk for bleeding in the stomach and intestines and…

  • Healthy Cook: Adding on calories when your senior loved one is too thin

    Healthy Cook: Adding on calories when your senior loved one is too thin

    BEING A FEW POUNDS overweight can be a pain in the patootie. That can often be solved by using the simple food equation: calories in versus calories out. On the other hand, people who are too slim and can’t gain weight often have no patootie to speak of. Their challenge of putting on a few…

  • Surgery Facts: Answering the question: ‘Doc, do I need my gallbladder?’

    Surgery Facts: Answering the question: ‘Doc, do I need my gallbladder?’

    AS A SURGEON, I am asked this question all the time, usually right after I inform a patient that their abdominal pain is due to gallstones. There is an aura of mystery surrounding this little green organ, with a lot of folks unclear as to its exact role in our bodies and our health. Gallbladder…

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