Health News


  • Don’t resist muscle-building resistance training

    Don’t resist muscle-building resistance training

    Weights are not just for getting ripped You, the Speedo and the beach no longer come together in one sentence. So you may ask yourself why you need to lift weights or do other resistance training. Your six-pack-ab days are over. But vanity ranks low on the list of reasons you should embrace this physical…

  • The tobacco talk

    The tobacco talk

    Two-Way Discussion Street to Steering Kids Away from Smoking The Bureau of Tobacco Prevention Program’s Tobacco Free Florida campaign is designed to boost the ranks of Floridians whose health and lives can be enhanced by living without tobacco – including teens and young adults. Health Department Director and USF faculty Dr. Daniel Haight encourages parents…

  • Fast-track to fit or dead end?

    The Truth About Minute Fitness Plans Got a minute? That’s about the only amount of time left in today’s fitness world that is not attached to any workout. From coast to coast in advertisements on television to the Internet, fitness centers and home DVD companies are offering a myriad of exercise programs that are getting…


  • Publisher’s Note: Don’t let yourself or someone you know become a stroke victim

    MAY IS NOT ONLY a time we honor our nurses, it’s also National Stroke Awareness Month. Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke. That means in the time it takes you to read this column, at least two people will suffer from this life-threatening “brain attack.”

  • Editor’s Dose: Top docs — a call for nominations!

    Editor’s Dose: Top docs — a call for nominations!

    DO YOU KNOW an area doctor who provides exceptional care and service, and has gone above and beyond when it comes to their patients? Tell us more! Top doctors who receive the most nominations will be recognized in the July edition of Central Florida Health News magazine.

  • PCMA Letter: ‘Thank you’ can make all the difference

    PCMA Letter: ‘Thank you’ can make all the difference

    AS WE ENTER the month of May, our thoughts often turn to Mother’s Day, the end of the school year for our children, prom night for our youth, Memorial Day, and the fast-approaching summer break. Perhaps lesser known than these staples of the month, however, is National Nurses Week, which is happening May 6-12. During…

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