Health News


  • Take my advice, please!

    The healthy way to handle uninvited counsel from friends and family The four simple, well-meaning words — if I were you — seem to preface most unsolicited advice from friends, parents, neighbors and even strangers. When that advice isn’t something the listener wants or needs to hear, it’s easy to grow resentful. “Most people are…

  • A new plan for the new you

    Local spotlight on healthy weight-loss solutions “People who want to lose weight should consider going to a physician,” says Ralph J. Nobo, Jr., M.D., a gynecologist who has practiced in Bartow for 25 years. “When health issues arise, they’ll be detected more quickly than at a clinic. I’ve developed a weight program for my patients…

  • Seeing the world through new eyes

    Intra-Ocular lens implants Technological advancements in Ophthalmology continue to amaze me even after 25 years of practice. In the past few years there has been an explosion in new intraocular lenses (IOL) available. These allow patients to experience better vision and more eyeglass independence. A cataract is a clouding of the natural occurring focusing lens…


  • PCMA Letter: It’s always a good time to address mental health

    IN THIS EDITION (August 2015) of Central Florida Health News, medical experts weigh in on topics to help improve you or a loved one’s mental health. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a staggering one in five Americans will suffer from anxiety or depression in their lifetime.

  • Publisher’s Note: Depression cases in our local Medicare population

    MENTAL ILLNESS can refer to several afflictions that affect the state of our minds, but usually the first one we think of is depression. While clinical depression can be caused by many individual factors (or a combination of several), there are some medical conditions that put a person at greater risk for the disease.

  • Family Health: Urgent vs. emergency care

    Family Health: Urgent vs. emergency care

    WHEN A SUDDEN illness or injury strikes, it can be stressful to decide where to seek medical attention. Though your primary-care physician is the best place to start, illness and injuries don’t always occur during office hours or on schedule. It’s important to understand your options for immediate medical care before symptoms strike, as it…

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