Health News
10 questions on radiation therapy
What is radiation therapy? Radiation Therapy or Radiation Oncology utilizes high-energy radiation that is closely monitored and controlled to deliver precisely targeted treatments. These precise treatments are custom designed individually for each patient. How is the radiation delivered? Radiation can be delivered externally (similar to an x-ray machine) or internally where radioactive sources are placed…
When all signs point to prostate cancer
Q&A with Dr. Byron Hodge on cryotherapy Central Florida Health News (CFHN): How long has cryotherapy been a treatment option for prostate cancer? Dr. Hodge: Cryotherapy or freezing has been around for many years as a treatment for disease, but as far as contemporary prostate cancer, probably in the early 1990s was when there was…
Bottoms Up
Fitness facts for firming up the backside Many individuals, especially women, are concerned with how to improve the look of their “backsides.” Especially during the summer months and swimsuit season, many of us are extremely interested in how to tone, shape and firm up the buttock region. There are many reasons to target strengthening in…
Publisher’s Note: Save the dates for these Central Florida Health Expo shows
ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, we hosted our inaugural Central Florida Health Expo. We’re pleased to report that the event was a success! In fact, it was such a success that we have booked three more expos for the 2017 calendar year.
Family Health: Watch for these pneumonia symptoms
THE FLU is especially common during the winter months and can be a dangerous illness, especially for young children and older adults. It is extremely important to be aware of the flu’s potential progression into pneumonia and how to recognize pneumonia symptoms. Especially for those 65 and older, pneumonia cases tend to be more severe,…
Mental Health Moment: Recognize and avoid narcissistic abuse
NARCISSISTIC ABUSE is one of the most prevalent reasons people seek counseling. Because we live in a society that has an underpinning of encouraging narcissistic traits in the form of selfies and social media posts, it can be easy to confuse what a narcissist is (or what to do about it) if you have one…