Health News


  • The Race of Life for Women

    A Steady Pace of Health at All Ages Dr. Eva Salamon is proud of the relationship she has with her mother. “My mother is a woman I admire greatly,” Salamon says. “She has always been a supportive, encouraging, educated woman.” Salamon says her relationship with her mother has influenced the relationship she has with her…

  • MBA in skin cancer protection

    An education in preventing and recognizing the most common form of cancer Despite prolific media coverage of the dangers posed by exposure to ultraviolet rays, skin cancer rates have steadily risen over the past three decades, making it the most common of all cancer types. William J. Roth, MD, PhD, a board-certified dermatologist at Watson…

  • Putting the pieces together

    Recognizing, treating, and supporting those in need of autistic care As a young child, Jarrett Moss was different from other children. He wasn’t learning at the same rate as his peers, and his mother, Beverly Hunter, knew something wasn’t right. Seeing differences in Jarrett, Beverly did what any mother would do — seek answers. “When…


  • Bleeding with a Bowel Movement

    Bleeding with a Bowel Movement

    A concerning complaint from patients, that causes grave concern is that of rectal bleeding ., Whether it is blood seen with a bowel movement or at the end on cleaning oneself, bleeding is worrisome and must be addressed. Not all bleeding is bright red and black, sticky tar-like stools are signs of bleeding as well.…

  • Tips to Keep Your Mouth Happy During 4th of July Celebrations

    Tips to Keep Your Mouth Happy During 4th of July Celebrations

    The Fourth of July is a time of great celebration, and no one wants the fun times ruined by mouth pain or an unexpected trip to the dentist. Remember to take care to keep your mouth happy this Fourth of July during all of the fun and festivities by following a few easy tips.  …

  • Peak AWC: Your Personal Inspectors

    Peak AWC: Your Personal Inspectors

    You may have heard of the Annual Wellness Visit and wondered, “Is that something I need, since I already had my yearly physical?” The answer is a definite “Yes!” You see, your body is a temple. It’s your home for your entire life. Just like a traditional house, your body needs some inspecting and maintenance…

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