Health News


  • 10 questions on radiation therapy

    10 questions on radiation therapy

    What is radiation therapy? Radiation Therapy or Radiation Oncology utilizes high-energy radiation that is closely monitored and controlled to deliver precisely targeted treatments. These precise treatments are custom designed individually for each patient. How is the radiation delivered? Radiation can be delivered externally (similar to an x-ray machine) or internally where radioactive sources are placed…

  • When all signs point to prostate cancer

    When all signs point to prostate cancer

    Q&A with Dr. Byron Hodge on cryotherapy Central Florida Health News (CFHN): How long has cryotherapy been a treatment option for prostate cancer? Dr. Hodge: Cryotherapy or freezing has been around for many years as a treatment for disease, but as far as contemporary prostate cancer, probably in the early 1990s was when there was…

  • Bottoms Up

    Bottoms Up

    Fitness facts for firming up the backside Many individuals, especially women, are concerned with how to improve the look of their “backsides.” Especially during the summer months and swimsuit season, many of us are extremely interested in how to tone, shape and firm up the buttock region. There are many reasons to target strengthening in…


  • Healthy Skin: Taking action against acne

    Healthy Skin: Taking action against acne

    IT’S TIME for back to school, and for teens with acne, this can be even more stressful. Acne is the papules and pustules that develop on the face, back, and chest usually at the onset of puberty. It is not uncommon to have acne as early as 10 years of age. Normal onset is between…

  • Hospice Help: The Big C word

    Hospice Help: The Big C word

    THE BIG C WORD … unfortunately, in this day and age, we all know what this euphemism means, and we all know someone who has been touched by cancer. But how much more devastating is the diagnosis when the patient is a child?

  • Word of Mouth: Guard your mouth this sports season

    Word of Mouth: Guard your mouth this sports season

    NO MATTER the season, there’s always a variety of sports for kids and adults to participate in and enjoy. While the safety equipment requirements for many sports have increased over the years to prevent risk and injury, there’s one area that could use a bit more attention from the cheering section: the mouth guard.

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