Health News


  • No idle hands this summer

    Getting teens involved in a good cause IS a good cause Have you checked out your teen’s Facebook page lately? Many parents might wonder if their offspring will ever become less self-absorbed. However, encouraging a teen to be involved in the world around him can offer a lesson in selflessness, while inspiring a positive future.…

  • 7 safety tips for summer

    7 safety tips for summer

    Avoiding the season’s common health hazards It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy — but that doesn’t mean dangers aren’t lurking nearby. While breaks from school, warm temperatures, holidays, and vacations on the horizon mean fun for the whole family, these situations can contribute to some of summer’s most common safety concerns. 1. Child’s Play…

  • Don’t resist muscle-building resistance training

    Don’t resist muscle-building resistance training

    Weights are not just for getting ripped You, the Speedo and the beach no longer come together in one sentence. So you may ask yourself why you need to lift weights or do other resistance training. Your six-pack-ab days are over. But vanity ranks low on the list of reasons you should embrace this physical…


  • Word of Mouth: The dangers of tobacco for your oral health

    Word of Mouth: The dangers of tobacco for your oral health

    IT’S NO SECRET that smoking is bad for your lungs, but did you know that it can be especially devastating to your oral health, too? Smoking has a negative effect on every part of your mouth.

  • Family Health: How a colonoscopy can save your life

    Family Health: How a colonoscopy can save your life

    THOUGH COLONOSCOPIES might not be the most pleasant of medical procedures, they are certainly one of the most important. When caught early, colon cancer is highly curable; when caught too late, however, it can be fatal.

  • Medical Advice: Swimming safety reminders for the water-bound

    Medical Advice: Swimming safety reminders for the water-bound

    THE FLORIDA SUMMER is upon us, which means bathing suit and barbeque season is here. Summer swimming is the perfect way to cool off from the day’s heat. While playing in the pool can be fun, injuries and illnesses due to water-related activities increase this time of year. It’s important for individuals to be aware…

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