Health News


  • Pop Quiz! Demystifying the Breast Cancer Self-Exam

    Pop Quiz! Demystifying the Breast Cancer Self-Exam

    When it comes to cancer, early detection is key; for breast cancer, this means breast self-exams and mammograms are a must. Self-exams are part of the toolkit for early detection as Johns Hopkins maintains that 40 percent of breast cancer cases are first detected by women who felt a lump during a self-exam. Take our…

  • Bigger & Better

    Bigger & Better

    New Lakeland VA Clinic Increases Access to Care for Nearly 49,000 by PAUL CATALA For five years, Jeffrey Mann of Bartow has had to drive about 45 miles each way to Tampa for his medical needs. But now, Mann only has to drive about 11 miles to see his doctors and nurses and get medical…

  • Expanding Care

    Expanding Care

    Central Florida Health Care Building New Lakeland Clinic  by RYAN MILEJCZAK As healthcare organizations across the county aim to better serve our growing population, Central Florida Health Care is expanding access to health care by building a new center in Lakeland.  Ann Claussen has been the CEO of Central Florida Health Care since 2014 and…


  • Diabetes Mellitus: It’s not just about the sugar!

    Diabetes Mellitus: It’s not just about the sugar!

    Diabetes mellitus is a well-known disease in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal. Patients need to control these levels so that the HBA1c or hemoglobin A1c test is less than 7%, through diet, exercise, and medication.  It is important to understand that high glucose levels result in organ damage. Every organ has the…

  • Lumps in the Neck – Should I be Concerned?

    Lumps in the Neck – Should I be Concerned?

    Very often I see patients who have swellings or lumps in the neck and their first question is “should I be worried?” This is a great question but the answer is not always straightforward. There are many different causes of swelling in the neck that range from harmless to the very concerning. Let’s talk about…

  • Back to School Oral Health Tips

    Back to School Oral Health Tips

    It’s hard to believe August is already here. Where has summer gone? With family vacations and beach days behind us, it’s time to start preparing for the upcoming school year. Outside of the new backpacks, shiny binders, and endless notebooks, there are other important items you need to prioritize before sending your kids back to…

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