Health News


  • The key to staying young

    4 Building Blocks of Senior Fitness Regular exercise helps maintain one’s health. Staying physically active can help prevent and reduce the impact of illness and chronic disease. The benefits of exercise for seniors include improved heart health, lower blood pressure, stress reduction, and better bone density. It also lowers the risk of several chronic conditions…

  • Here veggies come to save the day

    New studies link certain produce to protecting from cancer and other health risks Most people are no doubt aware that they should be consuming more fruits and vegetables. It’s nearly impossible to escape the message that produce is an essential part of a healthy diet. “Many studies link diets high in fruits and vegetables with…

  • When animals attack

    Q&A on how to prevent dog bites Now that the kids are out of school, we want them to get outside and have some fun. As cautious parents though, we see dangers everywhere including around stray dogs, at the doggy park, and yes, even the pets of our friends and neighbors. The hard truth is…


  • Family Health: Watch for these pneumonia symptoms

    Family Health: Watch for these pneumonia symptoms

    THE FLU is especially common during the winter months and can be a dangerous illness, especially for young children and older adults. It is extremely important to be aware of the flu’s potential progression into pneumonia and how to recognize pneumonia symptoms. Especially for those 65 and older, pneumonia cases tend to be more severe,…

  • Mental Health Moment: Recognize and avoid narcissistic abuse

    Mental Health Moment: Recognize and avoid narcissistic abuse

    NARCISSISTIC ABUSE is one of the most prevalent reasons people seek counseling. Because we live in a society that has an underpinning of encouraging narcissistic traits in the form of selfies and social media posts, it can be easy to confuse what a narcissist is (or what to do about it) if you have one…

  • Health Facts: Break an old habit for the new year

    RARELY DO WE have the chance to start over, but when it comes to health, every year presents an opportunity to make a positive change. Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. With that in…

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