Health News


  • The key to staying young

    4 Building Blocks of Senior Fitness Regular exercise helps maintain one’s health. Staying physically active can help prevent and reduce the impact of illness and chronic disease. The benefits of exercise for seniors include improved heart health, lower blood pressure, stress reduction, and better bone density. It also lowers the risk of several chronic conditions…

  • Here veggies come to save the day

    New studies link certain produce to protecting from cancer and other health risks Most people are no doubt aware that they should be consuming more fruits and vegetables. It’s nearly impossible to escape the message that produce is an essential part of a healthy diet. “Many studies link diets high in fruits and vegetables with…

  • When animals attack

    Q&A on how to prevent dog bites Now that the kids are out of school, we want them to get outside and have some fun. As cautious parents though, we see dangers everywhere including around stray dogs, at the doggy park, and yes, even the pets of our friends and neighbors. The hard truth is…


  • Learn How to Spot, Treat Rosacea

    Learn How to Spot, Treat Rosacea

    Rosacea is a fairly common dermatological condition that can affect anyone of any age. It is a chronic condition with no known cure, but advances in medical technology have made it possible to treat and control the symptoms. You can recognize rosacea primarily by the presence of a facial redness that resembles a sunburn or…

  • Herniated Disks in the Lower Back

    Herniated Disks in the Lower Back

    This is the last of our three-part back pain series. So far, we have talked about sciatica pain and pelvic and tailbone pain. We saved what is probably the most debilitating lower back pain of all for last — the herniated disk. This injury usually requires medical care, X-rays, MRIs, time off from work, pain…

  • July is UV Safety Month

    July is UV Safety Month

    When we think of summer, images of beaches, theme parks, and outdoor sports and activities come to mind. While getting out of the house and doing things outside is generally considered healthy, there are risks involved, one of which is exposure to the dreaded UV light.   Ultraviolet (UV) light refers to the region of…

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