Health News


  • Why the HPV Vaccine?

    Every two minutes, a woman dies of cervical cancer worldwide Cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine have entered the political debates around the country as well as discussions in the household. The current media firestorm surrounding the HPV vaccine has caused parents to question whether this new vaccine is right for their kids, or where…

  • What’s on your face?

    A guide to choosing the safest, best skin care products High school chemistry is a distant memory when you begin to battle wrinkles. Skin-care product labels touting the age-reversing qualities of ascorbic acid and antioxidants may seem a mystery to you. At $50 or more for a tiny jar however, you want more than a…

  • Not just blowing smoke

    Preventing lung cancer: One of America’s most deadly assassins During the last decade, technologies in radiographic studies have advanced at an incredible pace. Lung nodules, which are defined as a “spot” on the lung that is 3 cm (1 ½ inches) in diameter or less, can be detected much earlier through x-ray computed tomography (CT)…




    By Chukwuka Okafor, MD, MBA, CIME, FAAOS On Thursday October 26, 2017, the Department of Health and Human Services declared America’s Opioid Crisis a public health emergency.  Drug overdose is the single most common cause of death for people under 50 years old in the United States, more so than gun fatalities and auto accidents;…

  • Living With Heart Failure

    Living With Heart Failure

    Congestive Heart Failure: the term conjures up visions of a death sentence. And, understandably so. The mortality from this diagnosis is more than all cancers in the United States, even if the latter diagnosis scares people a lot more. However, with right treatment and management, most patients can get better and live a better life.…

  • Glaucoma and Dry Eyes

    Glaucoma and Dry Eyes

    Eye doctors are excited this year with 2020 rolling in. It’s an excellent opportunity for us to shine some light on eye care topics that we would like to highlight. January is Glaucoma Awareness Month.    Over 2 million Americans are affected by glaucoma. With proper treatment, the vast majority will not go blind from…

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