Health News


  • When less is more in exercise

    When less is more in exercise

    How to boost the health benefits of your workouts It’s easy to fall into the routine of walking or jogging at the same pace every time. But to get the most of our exercise regimen, we need to challenge ourselves. “The number one thing to do is to increase the intensity that you work out…

  • Digesting the facts

    Are you at risk for stomach cancer? There is really no way to know for sure if you are going to get stomach cancer. Certain risk factors may make you more likely to get it than another person. However, just because you have one or more risk factors does not necessarily mean you will get…

  • Q&A on preterm labor

    Q&A on preterm labor

    What are the facts about preterm labor and births? Preterm birth is defined as those infants delivered prior to the completion of 37 weeks of an expectant mother’s pregnancy. Preterm birth occurs in approximately 12 percent of pregnancies. Preterm births occur spontaneously in the following cases: 40 percent after preterm labor 35 percent after preterm…


  • What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

    What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

    Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) is among the most common conditions we see in our patients at Eye Specialists of Mid Florida. The American Academy of Ophthalmology estimates that approximately 5 million Americans are affected by dry eyes. Prevalence increases with age, and women tend to be more susceptible, likely due to hormonal changes throughout life.…

  • Evidence-Based Strategies for Achieving Effective Results in Chronic Pain Treatment:

    Evidence-Based Strategies for Achieving Effective Results in Chronic Pain Treatment:

    Chronic pain syndrome involves both the body and the mind, resulting in brain chemistry changes that affect not only the physical, but also mental and emotional well-being of the patient.  Advances in neuroimaging, neurophysiology and evidence based medical literature are helping us better understand the multifaceted and comprehensive treatment approach necessary to achieve long-term success.…

  • Virtual Care for Cardiac Patients

    Virtual Care for Cardiac Patients

    The new coronavirus sweeping the world has changed life as we know it. While there is a lot that we don’t know about the virus, we do know that people with heart and other conditions are more likely to get seriously ill from it.  At the same time, all of us are concerned about patients getting…

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