Health News


  • What’s on your face?

    A guide to choosing the safest, best skin care products High school chemistry is a distant memory when you begin to battle wrinkles. Skin-care product labels touting the age-reversing qualities of ascorbic acid and antioxidants may seem a mystery to you. At $50 or more for a tiny jar however, you want more than a…

  • Not just blowing smoke

    Preventing lung cancer: One of America’s most deadly assassins During the last decade, technologies in radiographic studies have advanced at an incredible pace. Lung nodules, which are defined as a “spot” on the lung that is 3 cm (1 ½ inches) in diameter or less, can be detected much earlier through x-ray computed tomography (CT)…

  • Believe in pink. Believe in miracles.

    What it Means to be a Breast Cancer Survivor I believe in pink. I believe laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day. And I believe in miracles. ~…


  • Body, mind & spirit

    Body, mind & spirit

      Taking Care of the Caregiver: Managing Stress that can Lead to Health Issues Caregivers or patient advocates usually spend many hours in doctor’s offices, hospitals or clinics. But beset by stress for a loved one, they may go from crisis to crisis without stopping to consider their own health. “They’re not there to just…

  • Healthy Cook: Made with love

    Healthy Cook: Made with love

     Classic ‘go-to’ nutrition for the sick “I don’t feel good. I don’t want t-h-a-a-t. Don’t we have something e-l-s-e?” “Wid a cod in de node I can’t taste anyding, anyway.” “My tummy feels funny.” We were told to feed a cold and starve a fever. Or is it starve a cold and feed a fever?…

  • A note to the parents

      This edition of Central Florida Health News focuses on various back-to-school topics that will help keep your kids safe and healthy as classes are back in session. As a parent, keeping my children healthy is important to me. It’s no secret that all nurturing parents want the best for their children, and so we…

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