Health News
The holistic approach to weight loss
A method that gives hope Although most of us are aware that being overweight contributes to chronic diseases, we may also discover that diets do not work. Dieting can even exacerbate weight issues by slowing thyroid and metabolic function, leading to weight gain, or may make us prone to nutritional deficiencies that cause other unwanted…
Fighting fair
Arguments can help resolve conflict It’s only natural for couples to occasionally butt heads when facing issues involving finances, home care, chores, children, and the in-laws. What matters is how you approach fighting. If you approach the argument logically, most likely your partner will too, says Riann Smith, former deputy editor of She recommends…
Walk the talk of your workout resolution
Walking and Talking Can Encourage Exercise Routine Instead of sitting down to coffee and donuts, or tea and banana bread, imagine chatting with your friends as you take a brisk walk in your local park. If you can walk and talk, gulping breaths of air between your words, you’re probably getting healthy aerobic exercise with…
Ask a Nurse: Weight gain and genetics
We have all heard the phrase, “I will always be overweight; it’s in my genes!” Well, according to an article on the Mayo Clinic website in June of 2013, “Obesity can sometimes be traced to a medical cause, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome and other diseases and conditions.” However, with Prader-Willi syndrome’s prevalence…
Publisher’s Note: Inspiration for the present and encouragement for the New Year
With all the changes happening to the healthcare industry in 2014, Central Florida Health News magazine is a trusted resource for how these changes are affecting our local community. We’re starting this edition with a very relevant topic: obesity. The numbers don’t lie. In our region we have a significantly higher obesity rate than the…
Healthy Cook: Sticking to diets that work
Okay folks. The fun is over. It’s time to get back to the real world. That means tightening the belt you let out a couple of notches over the holidays. Controlling weight is a year-long process and, unless there is a medical reason, is a matter of math. Calories in versus calories out. If you…