Health News
Sweet tips for controlling candy consumption
Easter guidelines to keep kids from eating too many empty calories You were feeling generous when you bought those gargantuan Easter baskets, expecting that would be more than enough candy for the entire family. But you didn’t count on Easter baskets from the grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles. Nor did you anticipate the spring…
Running with purpose
Participants in the City-to-City 5k and One Mile Fun Walk On your mark, get set, go! The runners were ready, the onlookers were excited, and the race was on. The Polk Training Center held its annual City-to-City 5K race and One Mile Fun Walk on Saturday, February 18. With check-in and registration starting at 7:15…
Eating wisely at work
Tips for increasing healthy food options Your work environment may be laden with temptation in the lunchroom and break room. Frequent office birthday parties, business lunches at swank restaurants, or staff meetings sweetened by coffee and donuts, can be peril for your waistline. But there are ways to eat wisely. “You’ve got to plan,” advises…
Healthy Cook: Keep calm and cook on
There is too much going on . . . the holidays to cook for . . . Grandma and the bratty cousins to buy for . . . the new puppy will probably knock the tree over (if the cat doesn’t climb it first) . . . Take a deep breath, go relax in a…
PCMA Letter: Working for your health
The Polk County Medical Association (PCMA), its members and affiliates, are constantly working for the betterment of health in the community. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates once said, “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” At the PCMA, we take the opportunity to heal pretty seriously, which…
Healthy Cook: Healthy work lunch ideas that won’t break the bank
Get out the old Number 2 pencil and give the lead a lick. It’s time to figure how much lunch costs. And it does add up. Say you buy a sandwich for $4, an iced tea is a couple of bucks, a bag of chips sets you back a dollar. You’re at $7. Without the…